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hondo434 08-04-2010 07:52 PM

Using Magnets to increase milage
Last year I posted a thread about increasing milage using high powered magnets. I stated I would do a A-B-A test.
I am still getting 34-35 mpg with ethenol fuel. I did an A-B-A test. The milage stayed the same when I took off the magnets.
My conclusions are that the magnet conditions the fuel and the ECU senses the change and adjusts fuel delivery rate to compensate. As the magnets clean out the combustion chamber, it would take thousands of miles to return the carbon buildup and varnish to make the ECU return to orginal mode.
I believe the fuel we pump is stale and contaminated with particles from air and tank like leaving fuel in a lawnmower over the winter. I think the magnet restores the fuel to original form, expanding it, then the ECU senses it and reduces the fuel flow.

RobertSmalls 08-04-2010 08:29 PM

A-B-A test show no difference with fuel rail magnets. Fuel rail magnets don't work.

If you had stopped there, I would have nothing to disagree with.

If you try some studies outside of a car, I think you'll find magnetic fields have little to no impact on fuel. Further study will demonstrate that fuel filters, before and after the fuel pump, remove the particulates you mentioned.

Here's one for you. Stick a magnet on cylinders #2,4 fuel injectors. Pop the cylinder head off in two years, and I'll bet you dollars to donuts there's no discernable difference in combustion chamber cleanliness.

ShadeTreeMech 08-04-2010 08:33 PM

only way magnets help gas mileage is if they are part of an electric motor.

gone-ot 08-04-2010 08:36 PM

...actually, the *best* use of a magnet in the pursuit of fuel-economy, is to use one to hold your SGII securely onto the dash for easiest viewing.

Weather Spotter 08-04-2010 08:50 PM

I think that magnets are a not going to work, else they would come new that way. the chemistry also does not work that way. if in that short of time it can change the molecular shape they in the same time it will move back.

autoteach 08-04-2010 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by RobertSmalls (Post 187097)

Here's one for you. Stick a magnet on cylinders #2,4 fuel injectors. Pop the cylinder head off in two years, and I'll bet you dollars to donuts there's no discernable difference in combustion chamber cleanliness.

I think that you would find that the magnets would destroy the injector, an electro magnet.

Rokeby 08-04-2010 09:19 PM

Maybe this would work:

(I think it's been PhotoShopped. ;) )

jamesqf 08-05-2010 12:46 AM

Yeah. The only way you're going to increase mpg with magnets is to mount one on a long pole (perhaps telescoping?) sticking out the front bumper, then drive close enough behind a semi that you can "latch on" to it.

Which might even be a safe way of drafting, if the pole had some shock absorbing capability...

NachtRitter 08-05-2010 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by hondo434 (Post 187094)
I believe the fuel we pump is stale and contaminated with particles from air and tank like leaving fuel in a lawnmower over the winter. I think the magnet restores the fuel to original form, expanding it, then the ECU senses it and reduces the fuel flow.

I believe you will believe whatever you want to believe in order to believe that the magnets work... :rolleyes:

robchalmers 08-05-2010 06:34 AM

I can't see how magnets could be used to 'condition the fuel' if there was enough effect on the particles to pull them into alignment (as some of these wonder things suggest) surely cars would suffer huge amounts of fuels starvation and pressure spoting from fuels passing close to Hi ouput electrics, like the start solenoid, alternator or starter motor etc.

Also i have to agree about the a-b-a thing. If you add something on the B test and nothing changes, ITS NOT HAVING AN EFFECT. if it did change from a-b but stayed the same b-a then it was a purely placebic change like an improvement in your base driving style.

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