As anyone who knows my posts knows, I like to put in a modified picture when ever possible to illustrate what I'm speaking of. Until a week ago, I'd insert a picture into an MS word Doc then use the Insert Object/Draw features to mark up the pic. When I had it looking good, I needed to make it a JPG and this required a few steps;
1) Save as Word Doc
2) Make it an Acrobat PDF with Acrobat
3) Save the PDF as a JPG
4) Edit the JPG in MS Office Picture Manager to crop and resize.
5) Upload to Tiny Pic
6) Place link here for you to see
It's fun to do and I've gotten pretty good at it, but, I found Snipping Tool and it really helps, now here's what I do.
1) When Word Doc looks good, I open the Snipping Tool and simply "Select" what I want to save with a selection box.
2) Snipping tool then lets me Save As a JPG right there!
3) Then I just edit that in MS Office Picture Manager
No more saving word doc, pdf, jpg steps! I can just toss the Word Doc so now all I'll have is the picture I wanted to make and not a bunch of extra Word & PDF files cluttering up the place.
This Snipping Tool can be used in any program on any window to make a JPG image very quickly to use as an illustration, it's like a mini Print Screen.
I just did this in 10 seconds.
Anyway, a cool tool to help illustrate here that's pretty easy to use.
Hope this helps someone.