Originally Posted by Christ
Seems to me like he's actually complaining about the pedal physically being difficult to push.
I still think it "stiff" in quotes means the lack of response is like a stuck gas pedal... hopefully the mat was checked for a physical restriction.
Looking again this morning, many of the Gas models were Drive by wire for the accellerator pedal after 1999, whereas the TDI diesel had DBW in models as early as 1996. 03NHVW has a 2004 model year.
*coff* and we're still waiting for him to come back and say what engine it has, and/or what sleuthing around it could be.
I had a lack of power that occurred with my car several times:
A dust choked air filter was the first (Southern Alberta where I got it is BAD for that, it's semi-arid the wind blows in 2 to 4 directions at once, minimum)
Then a bad tank of diesel, which was remedied by avoiding the dodgy gas stations.
Then a MAF sensor went.
And after much sleuthing around while cleaning the intake manifold (pre-ULSD diesel, it was common on babied TDIs), part of the EGR bypass tubing cracked, thus making my turbo essentially, a naturally aspirated car; as much power as Christ's IDI makes, but with a later model that's about 50-60% heavier.
In all cases, it would do great around town, until climbing up a hill, or trying to get to highway speeds above 50mph / 80 km/h.
In other words, Christ is lucky with his, because he has an actual throttle cable.