Originally Posted by larrybuck
Pic[ATTACH] kit Attachment 31965[/ATTACH] wonders never cease. I worked about an hour to try to get this picture on here
Where did you get that ATTACH business? Here you write [img][/img] or click on this icon:
Doing this gets me:
Vivaldi used to let me right-click and do a Google reverse-image search, but now it does Bing, the MySpace of search engines.
Neither of those showed anything, nor did TinEye.
DuckDuckGo is like the NextDoor of search engines, but I gave it a chance so I could mock it.
DDG doesn't do reverse-image searches and when I searched for reverse-image searches it showed Bing, Google, and Tineye, as well as other random sites. Artist.Ninja successfully found 20 similar images, such as:
Success! They are images of vehicles!
Yandex showed tons of green Volvos--and a few Mercedes.
Honestly, this is all that I was hoping to see. Larry, you took this picture yourself?
Hey, uh, how similar is this car to Larry's?
I am going to start a separate thread about that.
It also showed this picture:
That's red! Way off! I tried to find out more information about it and found this:
Jim Hall and the Chaparral 2J: The Story of America's Most Extreme Race Car. That's fascinating, but completely unrelated, although the same guy may have made both.
As you were!