Whenever the devices are tested in a scientific manner, they do not improve gas mileage. An excerpt from Popular Mechanics:
But guess what? My fuel economy is exactly the same, whether the HHO generator is turned on or not. And that's exactly what I expected. This isn't anecdotal evidence from several tankfuls of gasoline. It's steady-state, flat-road testing, and I don't even pretend to have actual economy numbers. I'm using fuel-injector pulse widths directly from the OBD II port. That means I'm measuring the actual time the injectors are open and delivering fuel. When the HHO generator is toggled on, there's no change. And when it's turned back off, there's no change. Well, the computer's system voltage sags a couple of tenths of a volt, indicating the current drain to run the electrolyzer.
Popular Mechanics HHO Test
The laws of physics don't change because you give someone money. You cannot generate enough hydrogen with the small amount of electricity used to produce the tiny amount of hydrogen gas. However, what you can do is install the Scan Guage some of these scams give you and you will indeed improve your gas mileage ... because of the SG's feedback on your mileage second by second. You'll start coasting to stops, avoiding sudden acceleration, etc. without even realizing it.