Originally Posted by dawuddustin
I don't know much about bikes but hoping to learn more can you please tell me what kind of advantages and disadvantages the bikes have
It depends on which type of motorcycle you're considering. Basically, I can assume the "universal Japanese motorcycle" could meet your requirements while retaining some acceptable performance for occasional road stretches, while a scooter is more comfortable for city traffic due to the automatic transmission despite being too much "specialized" for that. A greater-displacement scooter might fare quite well on road, but anyway, due to the smaller wheel diameters they don't stand so well to poorly-mantained pavements (or a lack of pavement at all). The so-called "underbone" or "cub" usually has a better balance of ruggedness for unimproved road conditions and comfort in city.
Scooters and "cubs" tend to have lower-revving engines with a horizontal cylinder layout, and a lower output that is also paired with a gear ratio that renders them more suitable to city traffic.