Frank, honestly, I do not know much about you, just that this place was noticeably different when you were gone, and I was glad to see you return.
Vskid, what is your Army job?
You might considering doing exactly what I did. I researched in-demand careers. I kept seeing Speech-Language Pathology, which looked enjoyable, and a first-year SLP makes $60,000 at a school with summers off.
It is crazy to think that I have been home almost four years. I am always amazed by how convoluted my path has been. I wrote a couple of paragraphs about that, but apparently, if you can just find five mentors, you too can have a Lamborghini and 2,000 books in your garage!
When I was deployed, a Lieutenant asked if I was in the Spanish club in college. I replied in the negative and he promised me that I would have had a job when I graduated.
I am pretty sure that my jaw dropped.
I love the Army. I hit seven years in October and now they are sending me to the promotion board (with two months' notice!), I just may stay in.
I sure hated Afghanistan, though.
I am never sure which I regret more, poor decisions or ignorant ones.
It seems like there are too many important things that I learn too late.
I was only half-joking about the mentors, but that was why I mentioned the LT. Whatever you do, networking as much as possible is vital--unless you enjoy wandering in the desert!