Originally Posted by redpoint5
I'm always wrong about technology...
Flying cars won't be a reality for a long time, if ever...
Depending on how you define the words
"reality", or
"cars", you might be wrong yet again, because several high-end, low scale production flying cars already exist.
Like This One
Originally Posted by sendler
I worry that vehicle to vehicle communication and and autonomous cooperation will become a requirement for road use. We are demanding too many complicated and expensive safety systems in our personal transportation already.
This too has already begun to happen. GE has been leading the Industrial Internet revolution for some time now, and it has made huge leaps over the last couple of years doing exactly what you are talking about... That is, designing what is known as "The Internet of Things" via a software platform called PREDIX.
I'm sure others will follow, and although it may not become a requirement per-say, it will become the norm - which in turn makes it a social requirement, and I don't think there will be any public outcry over that...
Check it out, (this technology is currently in use by the way)