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Diesel_Dave 06-08-2011 10:08 AM

What's YOUR motivation for ecomodding
I wanted to take an informal poll: What's YOUR motivation for ecomodding?
A) Saving money
B) Reducing CO2 emissions
C) Reducing pollutant emissions (CO, HC, NOx, PM, etc)
D) A fun hobby
E) Other (please specify)

It's okay to give your answers in percentage form.

My answer is:

A) 90%
B) 0%
C) 0%
D) 10%
E) 0%

honestabe 06-08-2011 11:39 AM

The fact that I drive 30k+ miles per year and have a severe shortage of funds. Also, it saves cash that goes into my sports car. Plus it's a good feeling knowing that I have saved over 1003 US gallons to date driving my Metro.

California98Civic 06-08-2011 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by Old Tele man (Post 243832)
...saving $ + personnal challenge (I know I can achieve better MPG!)

that and learning in general (in this case specifically engine mechanics/dynamics and aerodynamics). I want to keep my car forever, rebuild it piece by piece.

Bill in Houston 06-08-2011 01:05 PM

90% hobby (D)
10% saving money (A)

cleanspeed1 06-08-2011 01:08 PM

The challenge. Even though I am in an industry where a .5 mpg can mean a huge difference to the bottom line, I love thinking about pushing the envelope on what can be done, regardless. In the beginning it was speed, at the expense of everything else; now it's speed, mpg, and eco friendliness.

Arragonis 06-08-2011 02:19 PM

A) Saving money - 50%
B) Reducing CO2 emissions ~5% *
C) Reducing pollutant emissions (CO, HC, NOx, PM, etc) ~5-10% **
D) A fun hobby - 20%
E) Other (please specify) - 'Fighting' the numbers instead of other drivers, far less stress - 20%

* I'm sure this comes as a surprise given the 'lively' debates that have been had on this on this forum not to be re-run here, but there are many levels of skepticism.

** I don't put this so high as I assume two things - i) the engineers who designed my car optimised this, and ii) by using less fuel I reduce them further.

TheEnemy 06-08-2011 02:20 PM

Its more the technical challenge than anything else.

On the Jeep, its all technical challenge. Can I get a cinderblock with huge off road tires get 25mpg on the highway (@75mph)? The mods are going to cost more than anything I can save, but I will definetly have some bragging rights.

Arragonis 06-08-2011 02:22 PM

PS - DD, is this part of your sig entirely correct?


~Who says that just because you're vehicle weighs 3.5 tons that you can get good mileage?~
Shouldn't that be "can't" ? ;)

Diesel_Dave 06-08-2011 02:50 PM

Yeah, you're right. Thanks for catching the typo.

Fat Charlie 06-08-2011 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Old Tele man (Post 243832)
...saving $ + personnal challenge (I know I can achieve better MPG!)


Now instead of brain dead commuting with brief moments of getting real performance out of my car I'm getting real performance out of it all the time.

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