looks like a young man.
it explains a few things...
had no clue where ecomodder.com came from.
the older rougher, to the point backyard modifiers insults entire markets and a few mods here....
hypermiling has existed since the 50s...and even before then with the beetles, (3 main boxer) a 283 v8 chevy was one of them without a dufus under the hood. the ford 289 was yet another one...my mom had a 30+ mpg falcon in the 70s fuel crunch. It even survived the transfer of non-leaded fuel (with some random overheats)..
these histories I found blow right over this place like a breeze...suggesting the newest is the best...or a carburator conversation, that gpoes away quickly too... low pressure fuel system anybody? I am further understanding now...
recently on a local maine subaru forum, I learned of another co-founder who was surprisingly young. (I shamefully found out after he got killed)..
24 years old. fresh outta college...At age 37 I am more than feeling alot older sometimes.
Glad this place got going, I can't wait for the older knowledge to meet the new, and make real winners. I lurk