Originally Posted by modmonster
whats the thinest gearbox oil i should go to? its hard to tell viscosity with gearbox oils because they don't have numbers on.
i think i will go to the auto shop and shake all the oils to find out which one is the thinnest 
modmonster,I'm going to chime in with Wriley.If you select a synthetic with the same rating as a straight mineral oil your vehicle came with,you're actually getting a lower initial viscosity oil than what is listed with the synthetic(do to a quirk in labeling requirements),but it will protect from asperity or high-point just like your OEM lube.--------------
This lower viscosity is the only thing that will improve your mpg.-------------------
Racing transmissions use low-drag spur-gears (very noisy!)and low-drag spray-lubrication rather than bath-lubrication,to reduce"swimming losses"( not something easily accomplished ),so for typical everyday drivers,the synthetic is about our only direction for MPG.------------------------
Pre-heating all lubes would obviously save fuel,although poses a significant challenge in itself.-------------------------
I would caution you very strongly against using very light oils,as they will not maintain the hydrodynamic separation between reciprocating and rotating parts.Should you have metal to metal contact,the parts will momentarily weld together,then break apart,transferring metal,beginning a cascade of rapid self-destruction and failure.Play it safe!