I spent some time looking at the situation, dragged out some different materials, tried a few things.
Long story short, this isn't looking like an quick little project, putting it on hold.
This is what I found out, To block off the upper grille is not a matter of a simple overlay of plastic sheet material and zip-ties.
There are these slots underneath which would also have to be sealed, and it's problematic. I once coated it with Plastic-Dip, no tape will stick to that, plus the pressure would be so great no tape would hold.
This means a rigid material on the slots, and one would see the leading edge, an edge which would grab the incoming air.
S10 4x4 Pick Up by George Kachadoorian | Photobucket
I test fitted a left over piece of conveyor belt, it would be a real bugger if not impossible to get to seal.
Dead in the water.
I'm not going to remove the front grille to do the work from behind, the plastic and the clips are 18 years old now, and the low temperatures do not help. Not going to chance breaking it.