I would love to see at least 300,000 miles on this car. As far as I know replacing the timing belt, changing out the head gasket and regular maintenance is all I need to get there.
You should be able to just re-torque the head gasket if that is needed. To do this, undo a head bolt till it just cracks loose (it will make a loud, distinct noise). Then re-tighten that same bolt to spec right away.
Find out the order the headbolts are tightened in and do it in that order.
As far as fiberglass hoods and fenders, There may be issues with more noise, there will certainly be issues with crash protection in case of an accident.
Low weight wheels are good, and that is a neat website. The value that really matters is rotational moment of inertia, though. That tells how difficult it is to spin the wheel up to speed. Two wheel-tire packages with the same weight would have different rotational inertias. I have never seen that value posted, you would have to make up a special machine to measure it.