So far my only vehicle mod is a warm air intake.
It will take time explain, hope will be understandable.

My tiny car is a single point injection, so this big single injector it's mounted close to the airbox, before the throttle body. To avoid gas condensation over the wall of the intake manifold Lancia's engineers ( to be honest Fiat) have made 2 modification: first, the throttle body is heated by coolant; second, the airbox have 2 intake, one connected with a long rubber pipe that suck air behind the right headlight, the other is connected to a corrugated "paper" pipe very short, this take the air in the middle of the exhaust manifold.
As soon i can post pictures i will edit this post.
Inside the airbox we found a small flat "valve" ( it's a small flat round-ish piece of hard plastic), drived by a heat sensible element ( thermostat, like the one of the coolant circuit), that open, close and mix the hot and the fresh air in the airbox.
My simple mod was detach the small extensible arm that move this valve and close the fresh air intake.
I just do this, so i don't have any data, just one 40 km ride, but the car it's quite different, way more smooth at ultra low rpm, I really need to downshift less when going uphill or set the cruise speed.
In the next week I will see if there is any relevant gain. My best tanks was always just behind 22 km with one litre
Stay tuned for more