What are you doing on the 4th of July?
We're building a human chain to fight against Global Warming.
We are lining up on the following Interstates
I-5,I-15, I-25, I-35, I-55, I-75, I-95, I-90, I-94, I-80, I-40, and I-10.
Don't let big businesses fool you. This is AMERICA and one thing we do well is INVENT things.
There are numerous energy saving and pollution saving ideas available that could be put in to place RIGHT NOW. Businesses are stalling and we're not going to take it anymore.
So now that we know "WHO KILLED THE ELECTRIC CAR", we're heading to the highways to say BRING BACK The Electric Car, and comply with California's Zero Emissions Mandate of 1990!!
Just think, things could've changed almost 10 years ago.
It doesn't take that long to change. When your boss says from now on if you're five minutes late from lunch you'll be written up, what happens? CHANGE that's what.
SO everybody warm up your "Electric Slide" skills and "head on down the highway"
for more info: