Here are new photos of the Illuminati Motor Works 'Seven' with the new, sleeker body panels:

(click on image for link)
Edison2 has been hard at work on a v4 version of their Very Light Car:
These are the two cars that competed for the mainstream class at the X-Prize - which is the most important class. The two seat classes (tandem and side-by-side) are much less likely to ever enter large volume production.
To expect that the X-Prize should have already resulted in a production car is expecting too much, in my opinion. But also remember that we *have* see electric cars enter production, and the Tesla would likely have won the X-Prize, if it had been entered. 'Seven' would have walked away with the top prize if they had not used a clutch. It is rated at 207MPGe and has a range over 200 miles with a ~33kWh battery pack - a bit more than half the capacity of the 200 mile Model S, which has a 60kWh pack.
I briefly meet Jason Fangone at the X-Prize Knockout Round, and I wish I had more time to talk with him. I'm looking forward to reading his book, and hearing what he says about this whole process.