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Old 04-30-2009, 04:53 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Location: Placerville, CA
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Helga - '00 Volkswagen Jetta TDI
90 day: 54.39 mpg (US)

Mathilde - '99 Volkswagen Eurovan Camper
90 day: 16.87 mpg (US)
Thanks: 315
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Looking at the software and thinking about this a bit last night... I realize that graphing instantaneous MPG is not going to work because of the times I EOC or even when I just let off the gas and go into DFCO mode... I'd end up with a divide by zero (or essentially infinite MPG). The graph would end up with super high spikes with some noise at the bottom (containing some of the more useful data).

I was thinking one solution would be to "cap" the spikes like they do on some displays that show 99.9MPG or something like that, but since the graph pulls the points from the data store, that would mean the data points themselves would have to be changed, and that would end up skewing the average mpg for the trip... so not necessarily a good solution.

So maybe the best solution would be to use the same approach as Europe (and other countries) use, and show the gallons used per 100 miles. So 50mpg would be 2 gallons per 100 miles. Then an EOC or DFCO portion would show 0 gallons per 100 miles, and lower usage would be (more or less) intuitively better.

Average for the trip (or "track") should probably still show as MPG, since that's what is familiar for those of us that use miles & gallons.

Obviously, the plugin would need to handle both US and metric measures, but the metric FE measure is already in the right form for graphing instantaneous data.
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