Originally Posted by RH77
No doubt the Fit will be the most sporty option. The problem is, my FE goal is to get considerably-better FE with each car purchase (until the curve flattens or, if technology allows, continue the trend). The Fit can't do that out of the box.
That's the thing, isn't it: An automatic Fit simply will not give you your 40 mpg average (esp. year round) with just "mild ecodriving" techniques. The only Honda that will is an old VX/HX/HF or maybe CX (none are options, as stated) or a newer hybrid. You want FE in a Honda, you get a hybrid - they have you just where they want you! (Now the question is whether you will accept their proposition, or go dance with someone else.)
The 75 MPG example is an outlier, I'm afraid. I just don't possess that kind of mad skillz.
Or the desire to travel at an average speed of ... I don't even want to guess.
Eye popping numbers are fun to produce, but they almost always = pulse & glide at a relatively low average speed + the entire bag of other tricks. Again, not exactly "mild eco-driving"!
(PS: not dissing the Fit driver - that style & speed may fit nicely into his regular usage.)
I do like how you set the fuel economy bar higher for each replacement vehicle, though. Wish more people would do that.