Originally Posted by Hugh Jim Bissel
My plans have been edited: I'm not going to be taking a summer class until july, so I've got more than a long weekend; so I'll probably be able to handle driving across the state for a meet. Heck, that won't be nothin'; the next day I'll be driving up to michigan! I'll be back through St. Louis the weekend of July 4th, so I could plan to make a meet Sat July 4th if there was one to make (If there is one and it's closer to St. Louis, I might forgo KC to cut down the driving).
Now I gotta work on some mods! The car is the right color (coroplast white), so all I need is some coroplast, some inspiration, and some perspiration!
I have coroplast - 18" by 24" or so, but you have to paint them because they're used campaign signs. Feel free to pick them up in STL or if you come to KC I can bring a bunch for you.