Originally Posted by Christ
Not to be the argumentative one, Rick:
What about the smaller businesses that lost business due to those new car sales?
You, argumentative? Never!
The small business owner is going to continue to get the shaft, by both sides of the aisle in Legislature and overall. Big business has big a big lobby, and thus, gets big attention (including from the Media).
I'm not here to discuss the details of the
economic effectiveness of the program -- it's too politically charged for this forum and it's not my forte'. The dealer statement was an attempt to add one more comment into the mix of how local business had been effected. I simply posited the inquiry: "What is a Domestic vehicle", to which I added my domestic manufacturing worldview (which doesn't include the smaller businesses that might supply or transport goods or services into this system). It would get much too complicated.
I say, throw out everything you have heard in the Media, conduct your own research, and then you'll get closer to the truth. Of course, this is not easy for the average Citizen. I assume the "Clunker" receipts are of public record, but I may be wrong.