Originally Posted by basjoos
I can monitor lean burn on the SuperMID where the injector pulsewidth drops or jumps 2.0 usec as it enters or leaves lean burn when the pulsewidth reaches 6.1usec in lean burn (it jumps up to 8.0 usec as it leaves lean burn). I can also feel a sag or surge as it transisitions into or out of lean burn. Vtec-e kicks in at 2500rpm, but the pulsewidth on the MID doesn't change indicating a drop out of lean burn when it engages and I don't feel the surge that indicates it dropping out of lean burn. I haven't been able to do a long enough run at 80mph spend time trying to transistion in and out of lean burn through the 6.1usec threshhold. At 80mph the rpms are almost 2800.
Interesting. If it's RPM-independent, maybe a vacuum gauge would help. If you could determine that a specific point of vacuum corresponds to entering/leaving lean-burn, you could then mark the vacuum gauge at that point and have a nice easy-to-glance-at gauge that helps you stay in lean-burn.