Funny how we all got busy with other things all at once.
I have been catching up on some work and getting ready for the winter with firewood and such. Fixing the woodshed, a skylight etc.
Also had a small accident involving a finger and my jointer...shudder...I'm fine and it's healing up good but it sure got my attention. I know better of course, than to hurry when using maim-worthy toolage.
The TCC lock is working well but not showing on my FE yet probably because I'm still learning to use it and tend to stay in gear longer than I would have before. Also there has been road work and such here. At least it will be simple to do A-B-A with this set up when I get the chance.
I guess we're going to use a hi-lift to pull the frame off the tree, then just drop the truck sideways off the hi-lift, so I should be able to just drive it off the mini-cliff after that.
Been doing a little stump jumping have we?
Vortex generators are old tech. My new and improved vortex alternators are unstoppable.
"It’s easy to explain how rockets work but explaining the aerodynamics of a wing takes a rocket scientist.