yeah! a flywheel perhaps!
I finally got a a lead on a flywheel. Unfortunately, it's out of town. Heck, out of state, and I have a friend picking it up for me. He won't be able to grab it for another week though.
As far as acceleration on a 240D goes, I didn't think it was bad at all. The car was in driveable condition when I bought it, and I did drive it home. It drove fine. Maybe just the fact that I am a more conservative driver in general anyways makes a difference. If I was naturally more of a lead-foot, perhaps then it would have felt more sluggish?
From what I have read on swapping turbos between engines, it sounds tricky and expensive. At the RPMs I expect to use this engine, I think a turbo may actually be counter-productive. The 5-cylinder engines with turbos are coveted, and thus expensive. The plain 4 cylinders in the 240Ds are reliable, affordable, and should work well for my application.