I'm a beleiver
I installed a grill block on the Geo in mid Feb.
My mileage has improved, noticeably.
42 mpg when filled in Feb.
48 mpg when filled in Mar.
Halfway though this tank I removed the right side mirror and added one of the wide angle interior mirrors.
I am sure this helped but this was also only the last half of the tank.
After covering the grill, I was able to coast longer on several of my regular stretches.
There is a point in my after work drive where I cut the power and EOC till my exit.
I have been moving my begin marker further back since installing the block.
My best EOC before block was ~ .7 mile.
Now I'm up to ~ .9 mile
As for noise, the Geo is very loud inside and I can't tell a difference.
However there used to be a rattle/hum from the front left @ 55 mph, I don't hear that anymore. May be some piece of deflector material behind the grill is loose that no longer gets the wind.
So in response,
So much so that I purchased the VW grill block for my Daughters Jetta.
Now I just have to put it on.
When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity.
Albert Einstein