Originally Posted by jackbauer
what about a complete 6502 based microcomputer board with ram , rom , pia and address decoding all built on a slab of plain matrix board with each connection hand soldered. 8 bit data bus , 16 bit address bus and cant cross each other!
AND using a manual eprom programmer. Setting up each byte and address with dip switches and toggling the r/w line. Took some time to fill up a 4k eprom  After that i graduated to an 8086XT with a homemade eprom programmer running dos 4. bleeding edge stuff.
this was the genesis of Bauer's first law of electronics:
Keep it simple.
Like this - (could not find my huge Z80 board with the machine language program in Rom

Note the massive heat-sink for all those TTL lol.....
See how nice we used to ground the Xtal...
AND those plug-in resistor banks - Oh way too much work....