Originally Posted by dcb
@bruce, are you able to tell when in lean burn with the guino? by watching mpg or gph or something?
Well if you watch the Guino mpg like a hawk I suppose you can spot it jump, which is what it does when it goes into LB (lean burn). But you can coax it to stay in LB even on modest upgrades and other similar challenging situations, and you can only guess from the Guino whether you're in LB or not.
But of course the Guino does tell you the actual mpg very accurately. So you could make a case that you don't really need to know if it's in LB or not.
I use the ScanGauge to show LB. There's a custom X-gauge setting you can program into it that somehow derives data out of the wideband Oxy sensor. It reads 0 when in lean burn and seems to be very reliable. Also it does check out against the Guino. When you let the SG read MPG without any adjustment to it, and compare those MPG to the Guino readout. Typically, without being in LB, the Guino will read about 10% higher mpg than the SG on my Civic. When it goes into LB, the Guino reads about 30-35% higher mpg than the SG because SG's mpg calc is completely unaware of LB. It reads other engine parameters and derives fuel qty by assuming stoich ratio.
Rumors that I'm paid by the word are entirely untrue.