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Old 08-06-2010, 07:06 PM   #1 (permalink)
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'Pop-out' rear 1/4 windows for 5th gen Civic?

I (personally) like the way the rear quarter windows on the 4th gen Civic hatchback can open (other makes/models use the same approach, esp. mini-vans), but sadly the ones on my 5th gen VX do not open, and I haven't seen the "open-able" style on any other 5th gen hatchback. Question I have is if anyone familiar with Civics (ahem, SVOBoy ... and others) knows of an aftermarket solution for the 5th gen hatchback so that the rear quarter windows can be opened or if it's simply impossible due to the design of that gen's rear quarter windows? Yes, I've searched, and I even have a hard time finding information about the 4th gen mechanism... I must be using the wrong search terms.

From aero perspective, it *seems* like this approach would be preferable over rolling down the driver & passenger windows enough to get decent air flow. However, that's just a WAG and would require some verification. From a comfort perspective, it sure would be nice to have a way to pull the air through the cabin without needing to turn on the cabin fan or roll down the front windows...

For those that aren't sure what I'm talking about, this image from the 4th gen HB service manual may help:

The bottom image shows the latch that allows the user to 'pop' out the rear edge of the quarter window. The front edge of the window is hinged.


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Name:	4thGenQuarterWindow.JPG
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ID:	6518  

Last edited by NachtRitter; 08-06-2010 at 07:08 PM.. Reason: Added search disclaimer
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