If you did some tuft testing, you could experiment with the angle of the Kammback over several runs to see how steep you can go before losing attached flow. (I have a hunch you can go a little steeper) Do you have a buddy or significant other who would be willing to drive your car while you drive a chase car with a video camera? This is the quickest, simplest way to test your mod that I know of. You don't have to drive very fast or very far to get some good data.
I use coast-down as a quick way to determine if it helps or hurts. It takes a little more time and is highly dependent on ideal (no wind) weather conditions. Looking good!
60 mpg hwy highest, 50+mpg lifetime
TDi=fast frugal fun
Originally Posted by freebeard
The power needed to push an object through a fluid increases as the cube of the velocity. Mechanical friction increases as the square, so increasing speed requires progressively more power.