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Old 09-01-2010, 03:18 AM   #128 (permalink)
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Isle de Orleans
Posts: 112

ratatouli - '01 honda insight
Thanks: 14
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It was the fender that was wrong and I didn't get the warranty, you think they'd take it back for credit? Its in pretty good shape. Just won't work with my car. You might want to think about a crx or civic vx, or wait for the plug-in electrics that "should" be coming out soon. I think the rush to adopt hybrids is pre-mature, and real electrics overdue. The insight was the best hybrid ever though if you can get one. My plan has been to have 3 crxs, but it may end up 2 crxs and a sentra se-r. I have a friend with a 98 prelude that wants $2K if you are interested. Gas mileage won't be the best ever and he ruined the bumper but it could easily be turned around for 3500-4K if the bumper is fixed. My g/f won't let me get it because we have 4 cars between the two of us and the house we are moving into doesn't have space for 5. I think the lude has 104,7XX miles on it. I'll be getting a windshield and inspection tomorrow for my dd crx.
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