At speed, power steering that isn't being run by the pump is no problem. It will be heavier, significantly heavier than with the belt on, but nothing unmanageable. But at very low speeds, e.g. parking or beginning a turn at an intersection, it is extremely heavy and possibly dangerous. If you can find an unassisted steering rack, switch to that.
Figure saving about 35lbs if you pull all your AC equipment. Please take the time to have it pumped down properly by a licensed tech. If you tell them you don't want any work done, just to have the refrigerant removed, they may do the work for nothing, just to have the refrigerant. That stuff ain't cheap. If the other components are in working order, you may be able to sell them, but don't hold your breath. 96 Tercels are getting scarce.
You'll be blown away at how much space there is under the hood once you pull the power steering and AC equipment. Filter-dryers, fluid reservoirs, belts etc all takes up a lot of space and gets hard to look at.

Lead or follow. Either is fine.