I like the idea. Simple and analog. It's really a great idea.
The one problem I have with it is that I understand that engines are, roughly speaking, most efficient at about 75% throttle between 2000-3000 rpm. So in effect the best driving should be brisk acceleration at those parameters then a high load, low rpm cruise, or better yet, pulse and glide averaging around cruise speed.
Do you see where I'm coming from?
For this, you need to hook it up the opposite way as an earlier poster assumed you were going to do.
You'll have a lot of vacuum (heavy pedal) at idle, and little vacuum (light pedal) at wide throttle, low RPM (where I try to drive). You might find that you have less control and smoothness during the transition between the two. Maybe the extra feedback in your foot is worth the loss of sensitivity.
I have tested this theory myself and found that using heavy acceleration as opposed to light gave me a bit better MPG
in an automatic. Many others have seen big increases in manual cars. Not what would be expected as we are often told to "avoid jackrabbit starts"