Let's just cut to the chase.
Why the hxxx do state workers need a union to get paid tax dollars??????
And when the ability to pay taxes dries up....who in the Hxxx do these state workers think they are to demand they get to keep all the goodys they stole from the tax payor all these years? Who said that a govt worker should get 30 or 40 or 50 or 60 or 70% of their pay for the rest of their lives???
Whining pigs.
SO your stupid onesided union poll.......
instead of getting a high paying cush job that you can't get fired from, why don't you get of your axx and run for office. Take a risk (oh sorry, your union) spend a crapload of your own time and money and risk losing an election.
When you can make a real life fair comparison. call me.