I've logged two more 40+mpg tanks including a 41.7 slow-poke with the wind cooperating. I got 519 miles for 40.9 on Wednesday (533.2 for the tank-current best). Long-term P&G is tough, but I did it.
I hit 46 on an errand last night, including a 52mpg blast on the first leg. I used EOC and never went above 20% throttle or 35mph. Good grief. You 50 and 60+ folks either have more inherently efficient vehicles or are driving even smarter than me. I can't go much slower, so my hat is off to you.
EOC is still scary and I can't get over how dangerous and stupid it is, but man, the return is huge. I used to see 26/32 this time of year.
This weekend there will be 560 miles with three other people cruising at 65. I can't bring myself to subject others to my new driving style yet, so my average will take a hit.
Last edited by Sigurd; 03-04-2011 at 12:36 PM..