Originally Posted by johnlvs2run
So my logic fails to the lack of your understanding.
Why should I bother to read anything else that you've written. 
Because it's actual numbers from real studies and reports, not tinfoil-hatters or ambulance chasers.
Do a few searches to see the results of airbag explosions, which you're not aware of, and I already have done. I'm not going to do this for you, as it is your responsibility to find the truth for yourself.
I have. There have been 258 airbag-related deaths in 20 years, over 100 of which were children who were in a rear-facing carseat. Airbags have saved over 24,000 lives in that same time period. There has not been a passenger-seat airbag-related death in over 8 years.
You're not going to find that airbag-disable fuse with your head in the sand.