Need to throw a cold blanket of all the hysteria.
1. I had my brake fluid contaminated w/ very little oil on my toyota avalon, by a novice mechanic.
2. the entire brake system shut down in about 15 miles.
3. The dealership towed it in. EVERYTHING had to be replace.
4. yes it was expense, (toyo pd) but it had to be done.
5. what I learned was that each fluid (brake, tranny, oil, rear axle, etc) is designed to work a specific way at a specific heat, at a specific pressure, etc.
6. when any system get contaminated it has to be completely flushed or completely repaired. So systems much more so than others.
7. Parts cost money. unique parts cost more.
8. If dealerships are such 'unbelievable' sources of profit, then we should go buy one. But i believe you will find the local MCDonalds is the one really making a killing.
9. Given the advent of forums and comment boards, IF in fact, they could have done the job for less, they probably would have.