Originally Posted by t vago
Indeed. It sounds like a few people here are taking pleasure at watching the economy stall.
"Watching the economy stall"? Did you sleep through the last couple of years? The economy did a lot more than stall, and gas prices had little or nothing to do with it.
Indeed, if handled correctly (not that I really expect it will be), higher gas prices might even stimulate the economy. Higher energy prices encourage efficiency, which results in net savings. Take for instance someone who drives 15K miles a year. With gas at $4, that costs $4000/year in a 15 mpg SUV. If gas prices cause a new car buyer to choose a Prius instead of an SUV, that means s/he has an extra $2500 a year or thereabouts to spend on stuff other than gas. (Not to mention that the Prius is probably cheaper to buy than the SUV.)