Originally Posted by Execut1ve
did you just connect the 2 power steering fluid lines and remove the pump? I gave a quick try to loosening the pump so as to remove the belt, but unfortunately my set of metric sockets is much smaller than my standard ones so I didn't have quite the right socket for the job... does anyone know offhand if the 2 bolts that hold the PS pump on are 12mm or 13mm? I'm unsure bc my 13mm socket is a bit worn and wouldn't grip properly and I don't have a 12mm.
what's the best way to get ABS cheaply in aeromodding quantities? I'ma need a good bit for wheel skirts at least, and an underpan would take a ton
I just removed the unit and drained the fluid. Truthfully, I guess much of the hardware is still there, deeper down. Ideally I should plug the lines, but I have had no problems. And I got most of the hardware, including the pulley and the bracket mounted to the engine block. Lotta room in there now. And the two bolts you refer to are I think 12mm, but I don't specifically recall. Anyone else know for sure?