Originally Posted by Execut1ve
I can see the low pressure return line coming out the back of the rack near where the steering shaft enters... then on the passenger side of the steering shaft near where it enters the rack there are 2 small lines going in/out right next to each other. I know from a pic of the rack there's another line that comes off on the passenger end of the rack which I cannot see while it's installed in the car. I can't follow the high pressure line from the pump all the way back because it disappears behind some bracketry and I can't get my fat head stuck down there to look 
Even though you have an '00 Civic and the manual I posted is for the 96-98, both your car and the 96-98s are "6th Generation." Perhaps not very much about the steering changed? The manual is over 1400 pages and so much better than the aftermarket Haynes and Chilton stuff. I posted a link to a free, excellent, PDF here:
Try and see... it might answer your questions.