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Old 07-26-2011, 10:11 AM   #1 (permalink)
oil pan 4
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Platinum injection, the real deal

Since I have some what of a unique engine set up (IDI diesel), I have a few different options to the types of internal modifications I can do.
This one would focus on the the removal of the pre-combustion chambers and sending them away to have the inside of the cup coated with some catalytic metal to enhance combustion or ceramic coating them to keep the heat out of the heads and in the combustion gas.
Buying new precups and having them modified isn't really an option, just looked them up and GM replacements are $48/each (I would need 8) and it seems all I can find are the less bigger efficient turbodiesel pre-cups made more for power and not so much economy.
I read on Fuel saving - a professional engineer's view that catalytic topped pistons had shown some gains in creditable tests.
Does any one think a catalytic pre-cup could offer up some improvement?
Or would ceramic have more to offer?
Note: there will be no chance of A-B-A testing with this one.
This is one of those mods I will do if I accidently blow the head gaskets or if I pull the engine apart to get the crank treated with "ESP armor" from along with other internal mods.
Its all about making more power will less fuel.

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