New mods and improved mods and technique gave me my highest FE run yet on the freeway: 63.4 mpg across 22 miles and averaging 59.5 mph at a 196* running temperature. The terrain included a couple quite steep freeway hills. So I’ve reached part of a major goal: 60@60 on the freeway, though I have to use a rigorous “GLEN” P&G regimen to do it. Without hypermiling, I probably would get about 55mpg on the freeway. I want that number up at 60 too.
MODS: My reduction of the curb weight by about 9% is probably more relevant than you might imagine since I am using P&G with a 10mph acceleration arc at 80% load. A big boost seems to be from my airdam and half-moon skirts. But I think what pushed the car over the top is the redesigned 80% lower grill block for which I also rebuilt my ducting to the radiator. It works now a bit like “ram air.” The fan seems to never or almost never switch on and I see running temps consistently 195-199* so far. The fan cuts on at about 206*. Now I am ready to make an aero-modded grill block
like this awesome mod by TomO.