Originally Posted by Piwoslaw
I'm sorry to hear about the 'incident' in the bakery  Unfortunately, some people still think that a foreigner with German plates is über-rich and won't notice or care if someone makes some money on him  I apologize for my fellow countrymen and hope that the rest of your stay in Poland was better. And yes, 1€ = 4zlotys(PLN).
I wonder how hard/easy it would be to hack the start/stop function to allow engine off coasting in certain circumstances? OR would it be easier to by-pass it than hack it.
That bakery incident was no biggie. But similar incidents happens to all tourists. First the cashier said 3€ euros and then the orher cashier or maybe the owner said that it will be 4 euros...
In germany taxi driver took 15 km longer route on my way to licence plate workshop. His Tomtom said that turn left and he went right on many junctions...
Anyway with my little electrical knowledge it would need three things to hack/bypass:
- On switch to brake pedal sensor (easy)
- No speed pulses from wheel speed sensors so 4 off switches there (medium difficulty)
- temper the brake pressure sensor to show brake pressure to computer (for me medium to hard, for electrical engineer should be piece of cake). Might need only some resistor etc...
Rest of the sensors dont need any tempering unless you dont wish to make the engine turn off more than VW has wished to be on cold etc situations...
Will it work with these mods?