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Old 02-26-2012, 11:35 PM   #201 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jamesqf View Post
And just what exactly is wrong with elitism? I've worked damned hard, over the course of my life, to acquire and maintain status as a member of a number of elites - ranging from Marine boot camp to graduate degrees. What's the alternative, to reduce everyone to the "democratic" least common denominator?
Nothing is wrong, and it's your right and choice. Pat yourself on the back for having achieved, and mind your own affairs. Help other people when they ask you for it. Set the best example you can for others. Don't try to force what you believe in on others. Take a truly scientific approach to issues, which means staying open to possibilities that what you presently think is wrong.

Try to remember that the "flat-Earthers" were at one time considered the scientists and intellectuals.

True science is a self-correcting process, that is hindered in its evolution by many things, including elitism, arrogance, fear, and a host of other choice human qualities. We use the scientific method to guide us in areas of darkness and confusion.

The current state of affairs in the scientific community (to include the peer-review process) is so far corrupted as to be more dangerous to our future than at many other embarrassing times from our past.

This is what you get when politics and politically driven funding & agendas mix with science. What else could you have expected? We are all human.

The western society would not be the first to shoot itself in the foot while trying in desperation to save itself.

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