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Old 02-26-2012, 11:52 PM   #205 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ladogaboy View Post
Possibly, and here is why:
I would say 99% (hyperbole) of the fuel consumption in the United States is by people who are doing absolutely nothing the fix, change, overhaul, or upgrade the infrastructure. They have fallen into a lazy lifestyle that seems safe and stable.
That is an excellent point to make.
I think it is a given that indeed a very large percentage of any society appears to be rather useless in a very direct sense, though that is not so true when their indirect and cumulative contributions come into play. After all, the people who directly make changes in society have to live some where, eat meals, get to work, communicate with others, etc...
But, point taken.

So, if I'm reading you right, then a better solution to our problems is more of a social change to reduce the amount of complacency in our society, in hopes that we become more productive as a species ?
I would see that as a good thing as long as the application was not so much a government control issue, or blatant infringements on human rights.
A way would have to be devised to use true incentives (not punishments) to encourage a social change like this.
I'm not talking tax increases and/or tax-breaks type of incentive, because that's really a punishment, infringes on rights, and adds to government power.
As for things like sovereignty and human rights, you can't put the genie back in the bottle.

Find someone to devise such a plan that is practical, acceptable, and voluntary, and I would likely support the idea.
What is happening currently is nothing short of a travesty as far as social manipulation and government power goes. It's stifling to the point that it just encourages more complacency, and less innovation.
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