Originally Posted by uRabbit
I'm not sure how you went from your constructive first post, to this one. I appreciated your first one. This one, however, was just out of the blue...
Hey xxx,
So my first post was constructive (take your fxxxking meds) but you felt like dicking red on his first post because you got treated bad!!!!!!
your a dick.
And here we are with no reply conversation on the cutting the springs...
An I don't 'own' the 65 list. so I can comment on items that I'm versed on pro or con.
so let's review.....
lame first post
thin skinned
cant take objective advise
cant keep story straight on original relpys
leaves an xxx anwer to a new poster.
starts claiming to be a big expert ....but leaves lame first post.
is acknowledged by two contributors at eco mod that you don't get it.
let me know what Ive missed.