Originally Posted by UFO
Mileage on my second tank with EGR re-installed spiked way up, not sure if it's the warming weather or what, I've changed nothing. But with the warmer weather, I filled with B50 and deleted the EGR again. I may alternate tanks enabled and disabled, just to see if a pattern will emerge. At this point there is no indication EGR delete improves efficiency in my TDI.
Thanks for keeping us posted on this. Just for curiosity, is your Beetle parked outdoors all night? I believe Denver's overnight lows are warmer lately and with your 20 mile commute warm-up time is surely affecting your mileage. I wish there were a way to easily disconnect EGR as soon as you make temperature. My gut feeling is that we should get better mpg without EGR. Diesels like lots of oxygen rich cool air for combustion. A friend in Golden has an ALH TDI Jetta with a removed EGR valve and he reports better highway mpg on long highway trips than I get in my PD Golf. He also has almost no defroster heat on his typical 5 mile commute in winter. Hmmm. I may have to spring for the Malone tune "in the name of science". It's pricey though.