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Old 03-30-2012, 12:15 PM   #1 (permalink)
Weather Spotter
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Max - '14 Ford C-Max SEL
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Tv new interview

Well the aerotrix is getting noticed , I wonder why?

Late last year I was out running an errand for work.... When I got out of the big orange box store a bussnes card was stuck in my drivers door window. At first I thought it was an advertisement but when I looked at the card it was for our local NBC 25 tv station's senior weather man. Nothing was written on the back so I was unsure why it placed there. I have my skywarn weather spotter sticker on my car, so it might hac been because of that.

After work I called the man. It turned out he had seen the car and decided it might be worth a story. He got my contact info and said he would pass the info to the news team. Nothing happend for 4 months.

Yesterday I got an email from one of the news team wanting to know if I would be willing to be intervied and have my car photographed. I am always glad to talk about my car

We are still setting up the time. But it sounds like he wants some gerneric simple info. Then he wants a look at some of the more hardcore mods.

I told you all of this to ask this:

Any ideas on how to approach the interview?
Those of you who have done interviews what did you do tha worked and what did you do that you would recommend not doing?
Other ideas?

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