When I was younger, I also thought the Ultima GTR was one of the most incredible looking and performing sports cars which I could actually build from a kit.
As I got older, I enjoyed the classics more, especially the gorgeous looks of the Daytona Cobra Coupe, which also happens to be available as a kit.
Now that my youthful enthusiasm has been dampened by reality somewhat and I've got more of an eco outlook, I really like the Smyth G3F as an amazing combination of both excellent economy and more than sufficient performance which I can build from a kit.
Common themes: 1) I like the idea of building it myself (though I haven't done that yet); and 2) I like curvy lines a lot more than edgy lines (never liked the Lamborghini because it was too edgy)
While some may consider only convertibles to be 'sports cars', I never considered convertibles to be true 'drivers' cars. Without the top, they tend to be floppy and making them rigid again makes them heavy. Plus I never understood the point of a car if it can't be properly slid through a corner in a downpour...

Guess that comes from growing up in a geographical location where it rained enough to make convertibles relatively pointless.