Link to team standings page:
EcoModder Team Competition
Just thinking the team should have a thread to discuss whatever is going on, anything of interest.
How are you guys doing?
Yesterday we just barely squeaked past TEAM VW AUDI Group - that's the good news. 50.75 mpg vs. 50.62 mpg, this morning. The bad news is, we just barely squeaked past them!

So any slight change in either team's stats can shift the standings.
Team Metro is ahead of us at 52.26 mpg. If 1991 Metro 1.0 Auto gets its stuck thermostat fixed, that team will pull further ahead of us (I read the 91 Metro's fuel log notes).
So what am I gonna do?
It's been a few weeks since I've done anything substantial for Lean Burn Civic. I do hope to get out there this weekend to accomplish at least one or two tasks on the car. The front grill cover panel needs a bit larger air intake cut, and then primer over the cut edges. And two of the flat wheel covers need sticking down around the rim edges.