Originally Posted by pletby
Filled up after a full tank used. Had a pretty good start: 55.44 mpg I expect I can do quite a bit better as I used the A/C quite a bit and my boss drove the car for 100km burning nearly 1/4 tank. Argh. He's got his car back now so that shouldn't happen again.  I also now have the kill switch installed so watch out!
Now my city driving is vastly better than highway driving. What a change over my Contour. Auto trans is hard to get good mileage over long distance in the city for me anyway. This standard trans car is awesome!
Nice job pletby!
55.44 mpg-US over a distance of 923.5 km/573.84 mi.
Right now we're a measly 0.09 mpg behind Team Metro. Of course if they pick up one more car with a standard tranny, we're toast. One of their 3 cars has a slushbox tranny and only gets about 40-ish mpg.