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Old 09-17-2012, 03:41 PM   #12 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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The Q Sold - '02 Infiniti Q45 Sport
90 day: 23.08 mpg (US)

blackie - '14 nissan altima sv
Thanks: 2,203
Thanked 663 Times in 478 Posts
I have a Q45 w/ a V8. The front thempostat opens at 185. The rear at 210.
My scangauge will sit at 195 at idle or park. (even after 20 minutes) while driving it runs from 197 to 213 with it being over 200 most of the time while driving.
According to my Field Service Manual, my 'temp light' is triggered at 230. So 'technically' I'm ok at 229.
with that said, I tend to really pay attention when I get to 220. Especially if the driving conditions will stay the same for more that 30 more minutes. Like driving thru a desert area. Or being in stop n go traffic jam.
MetroMPG: "Get the MPG gauge - it turns driving into a fuel & money saving game."

First: ScangaugeII

Second: Grille Block

Third: Full underbelly pan

Fourth: rear skirts and 30.4mpg on trip!
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